Weekly Central Valley Rivers Fish Reports

For the week of August 17, 2020

Sacramento River: Giant Kings are Here!: This weekend...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-23)
28 pound king salmon: Are largest fish was 28 pounds and are...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-22)
Big King Salmon ! : This morning and all day has been one...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-21)
King Salmon Bite: The smoke hasn't seemed to bother the fishing...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-20)
August King Salmon: Still hitting it hard we are putting a...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-19)
Big Giant King Salmon: Well some big boys are ariving in the...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-18)
Rain equals King salmon: This push of  little rain should bring up...
Kirk Portocarrero (530) 221-6151 (Updated 2020-08-17)
Sacramento River - Lower: Sac River salmon swim into Corning!: The past...
Jeff Goodwin (707) 616-1905 (Updated 2020-08-23)
Biggest Kings of the year today!: Captains Thompson, Turner, and Brady turned in some...
Jeff Goodwin (707) 616-1905 (Updated 2020-08-21)
NEW Sacramento River salmon fishing report: The right stuff...   Everyday we head to the river...
Dave Jacobs (800) 355-3113 (Updated 2020-08-19)
San Joaquin River: San Joaquin River Fishing Report: The right...
The Trout Fitter Staff (800) 637-6912 (Updated 2020-08-21)