E.B. Duggan - "D" Fishing Guide

Trinity River Summer Are on The Move cover picture
It is with great sorrow that I report... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Trinity River Restoration vs Fish Reports cover picture
  I am sorry that I was so long in... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Memorial Day Weekend  cover picture
 I hope all had a fun and safe... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Water Flows Are High cover picture
With snow melt and higher water releases the... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Trinity Citizens Letter of Complaint cover picture
The Trinity Citizens Letter of Complaint April 14,... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Spring Time Water Releases and Fall Salmon Quotas cover picture
Well it is that time of year when... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Estimated PFMC Fish Returns For Klamath River Basin cover picture
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter, I... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
River Health Continued cover picture
Last week I touched on the health of... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Are Our Rivers Healthy? cover picture
I hope you had a great St. Patty’s... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Winter Weather Turned to Snow cover picture
As I started this report it was snowing... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
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