Weekly North Coast Fish Reports

For the week of March 2, 2020

Eel River: Eel Still A Decent Option For Steelhead: Down to...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-03-05)
Eel River - South Fork: Fish Are Holding Out in Deeper Spots: The South...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-03-05)
Mad River: Plenty of Steelhead Being Caught: Despite the...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-03-05)
Smith River: Smith is Extremely Low and Clear: The Smith...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-03-05)
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir: KLAMATH RIVER BASIN SALMON IN DIRE STRAIGHTS! : Over the...
E.B. Duggan (530) 629-3554 (Updated 2020-03-08)
WILL THERE BE A SALMON SESON?: As you know I attended the salmon meeting in Sana Rosa...
E.B. Duggan (530) 629-3554 (Updated 2020-03-02)
Van Duzen River: Down to 100 CFS: The Van...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-03-05)