Weekly North Coast Fish Reports

For the week of January 6, 2020

Eel River: Eel River Report: The main...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-01-09)
Eel River - South Fork: South Fork Eel Conditions: The South...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-01-09)
Mad River: Most Consistent Steelhead Producing River in Humboldt: The Mad...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-01-09)
27.5 inch Steelhead: Chris Driscoll with a 27.5 hatchery fish. ...
James Stone (NCGASA) (Updated 2020-01-07)
Smith River: Steelhead Fishing Has Been Tough: Steelhead fishing...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-01-09)
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir: NEW CHANGES TO TRINITY RIVER FISHING REPORT:  I hope...
E.B. Duggan (530) 629-3554 (Updated 2020-01-12)
Van Duzen River: Van Duzen Conditions: The Duzen...
Kenny Priest (707) 496-8671 (Updated 2020-01-09)