Article Archive

Rockfish, lingcod are numerous on and around Monterey Bay cover picture
Lots of anglers are having lots of fun... more »
Allen Bushnell
Let's Go Fishing Radio Show
Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report cover picture
Hello fellow anglers. Yes, I have been missing... more »
Allen Bushnell
Let's Go Fishing Radio Show
Fish and Game Commission Approves White Sturgeon as a Candidate Species for Listing as Threatened cover picture
The California Fish and Game Commission (Commission) approved... more »
California Department of Fish & Wildlife
Offshore Anglers Take Advantage of Calm Seas cover picture
Ocean conditions can make all the difference when... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
Trinity River Restoration vs Fish Reports cover picture
  I am sorry that I was so long in... more »
E.B. Duggan
"D" Fishing Guide
Action picking up on Monterey Bay cover picture
All cylinders are firing on the Monterey Bay... more »
Allen Bushnell
Let's Go Fishing Radio Show
Pacific halibut bite remains slow off the coast cover picture
The Pacific halibut bite continues to be slow... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
CDFW Releases 1 Million Chinook Salmon into San Pablo Bay from Cal Maritime Campus  cover picture
As the sun set over the San Pablo... more »
California Department of Fish & Wildlife
 Anglers reap rewards after conditions improve cover picture
Conditions improved along the Monterey Bay coastline this... more »
Allen Bushnell
Let's Go Fishing Radio Show
Gusty Conditions Continue on the North Coast cover picture
Gale-force north winds in May and June are... more »
Kenny Priest
Fishing the North Coast
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