Nor Cal Fish Report
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir Fish Report for 1-19-2025
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir Fish Report for 1-19-2025
It is Steelhead Fishing Time
Trinity River - Willow Creek Weir - Willow Creek, CA (Humboldt County)

by E.B. Duggan
Note the fishing report is now in the Trinity Journal on-line version.
It is Winter Steelhead fishing time but it is not raining or snowing and the Trinity River is high due to the Clear Creek Diversion Tunnel being down for repairs. The high releases into the Trinty are also being caused by the “Safety of Dam Releases”. What this means is for this time of year the lake is 124% of capacity and water has to be released to prevent Trinity Lake from over flowing even tough the lake is 36 feet below the overflow. I have not seen any snow reports for the Trinity Alps nor do I have any idea of how much more rain will come before summer is here but if the rain were to continue at the rates of last several weeks Trinity Lake could possibly reach its capacity. That would be great for the resorts on the lake but the Bureau of Reclamation, who claims to own the water in the lake, makes the discissions as to when and where the water the water goes to.
This crazy weather has really created problems with the winter fishing. Right now, the weather predictions are for sunshine and some warmer weather for the next week or so. The high water in the river has also made fishing somewhat difficult and different than what we are used to but that is why it is called fishing. What I do know is that the bait and hardware fishers are doing pretty good drifting their presentations. With the issuing weather and sunshine, I would expect that there might be a light hatch coming which could help the fly fishers who like to swing flies. Most of the fly fishers I have seen are using large type of flies such as rabbit hair or other material that would represent some type of large bug or small mammals. The good thing is that the new rules for fishing licenses are for a whole year from the date you purchase it. That is really great!
All of the fish counting weirs are out for the season now!
Trinity River Hatchery summary: Julian Week 49 ending Dec. 9, 2024: 22-Jack Chinook Salmon; 602-adult Chinook Salmon, total 624, season total 4,768; 2-jacks, 267-adult Coho Salmon, season total 0674: 0-1/2- pounder; 39-Adult Steelhead; 13-hatchery Steelhead, season total 509. I haven’t received an updated report this week.
Lewiston Lake: I haven’t received a reports from the Lewiston area for several weeks I suspect because of the high water releases but you can call Lewiston Lake and Trinity Lake information you can call, Pine Cove Marina, Matt or Louise (530)778-3878, for the upper river you can call Indian Creek Lodge, Andy or Hannah, (530)623-6294), Junction City Store, Butch, (530)623-2803.
Mid-Klamath to Happy Camp: The Klamath River at Weitchpec is flowing 16,290cfs. This is a decrease of 7,981cfs. Iron Gate Dam/Bogus Creek area is flowing 1,618cfs a decrease of 462cfs from the last report. The Upper Klamath is flowing good but is starting to drop from last week. I’ve noticed that the water flows are decreasing in volume so the fishing would be difficult but if you were to pick your spot well you could possibly hook into some nice adults. I suggest you call Marble Mountain Guest Ranch (800) 522-6284, or Scott Caldwell, SC Guide Service (530)905-0758 to get proper fishing information for the Upper Klamath.
Lake Conditions: Whiskeytown is 93% of capacity (a decrease of 0%) with inflows of 344cfs with releases of 313cfs. Shasta Lake is 76% of capacity, a decrease of 1% and minus 2ft with inflows of 7,264cfs and releasing 7,864cfs into Keswick. Keswick is 84% of capacity (an increase of 4%) with inflows of 15,011cfs and releases of 14,933cfs into the Sacramento River. Oroville Lake is 69% of capacity, a decrease of 5% and minus 12ft, with inflows of 5,462cfs with releases of 2,517cfs into the Feather River. Folsom Lake is 37% of capacity, an increase of 0% and plus 1ft, with inflows of 1,787cfs with releases of 1,871cfs into the American River. Trinity Lake storage is 1,905,647AF an increase of 52,794AF of storage.
Trinity Lake: The lake is 36ft below the overflow, a decrease of 3ft and 78% of capacity (an increase of 1%) with inflows of 1,828cfs and releasing 1,474cfs into Lewiston Lake with 00cfs being diverted to Whiskeytown and on to the Keswick Power Plant while releasing 7,075cfs into the Sacramento River. All the releases for the time are going into the Trinity River.
Trinity River flows and conditions: Trinity Lake is 78% of capacity, an increase of 2% and 36ft below the overflow an increase of 2ft. Lewiston Dam is 82% of capacity, a decrease of 15% and water releases of 1,512cfs into the Trinity River, with water temperatures of 45 degrees, as of 11:00pm today Sunday January 16, 2025. Limekiln Gulch is 6.14ft at 1,629cfs. Douglas City is 8.16ft with flows of 1,649cfs with water temperatures of 43.6 degrees. Junction City is N/Aft at N/Acfs. Helena is 11.51ft at 1,945cfs with water temps of 42.9 degrees. Cedar Flat (Burnt Ranch) is N/Aft at 0.00cfs (Gauge is still out of order). South Fork of the Trinity near Hyampom is 5.21 at 1,414cfs. Willow Creek is estimated at 3,359cfs, air is 39 degrees and water at 43 degrees, Hoopa is 16.67ft at 6,953cfs with water at 43.7 degrees.
Klamath River flows and conditions: Iron Gate/Bogus Creek area flows are 1,618cfs, a decrease of 462cfs. Seiad Valley is 4.94ft at 8,942cfs. Indian Creek is 5.35ft at 593cfs. Happy Camp is estimated to be 4,535cfs, Somes Bar is estimated to be 6,726cfs, and the Salmon River is 4.45ft at 2,611cfs. Orleans is 7.54ft at 9,337cfs, the Klamath River at Terwer Creek is 14.02ft at 19,080cfs and water temps are 43.8 degrees. Flows for the Smith River at Jediah Smith are 7.35ft with flows of 2,288cfs. and flows at Dr. Fine Bridge are 13.92ft at N/A.
Temperatures for the Valley last week had a high of 50 and a low of 31 degrees. Rain for the week was 0.00in with a water year total to date of 30.13 and 0.00in of snow in Willow Creek. The predicted temperatures for next week are for high of 65 and a low of 33. The weather predicted for the next week is looking like we could have some sunshine and a warming of some with no rain.
from Willow Creek, CA Phone 530-629-3554, E-mail
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