Fish Report for 1-3-2025
Rockfish season has closed, but plenty of fishing options remain
by Allen Bushnell
Happy New Year! As of Wednesday this week, rockfish season is closed in all depths. Boating anglers can still go on the hunt for flatfish. Sand dabs adequate delicious, though small. Luckily, when you find the ‘dabs, there’s usually dozens around to bring home for a gourmet meal. Petrale sole can be located in the same area of sand dabs. Also a very finely textured and delicate fish, Petrales can provide an equally fine dining experience. they are bigger, too, which makes catching them a bit more fun.
Charter operations around Monterey Bay managed to get a few days fishing after the humungous swells experienced recently. J and M Sport Fishing in Monterey reported limits of 260 rockfish for the Chubasco on Tuesday, the final day of the season. Monday, Jane M’s Kahuna brought home 140 rockfish along with a bonus ling cod and Petrale sole. In Santa Cruz, Rodney Armstrong tied up the 2024 season on the 31st. Armstrong reported, “Last rock fish trip of the year was wide open yellows with a few widows mixed in. Hopefully next year we get to fish what ever depth for the season. Since we don’t catch quillbacks in our zone.”
There is good news on the Dungeness crab front. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is easing restrictions for recreational crabbing as well as opening the commercial season for Dungeness in our area. Officials posted this info, “CDFW is lifting the temporary recreational crab trap restriction, beginning Jan. 2, 2025, at 8:01 a.m., from the Sonoma/Mendocino county line to Lopez Point, Monterey County (Fishing Zones 3 and 4). So, we can use the bigger crab pots again, and go for the longer soaks, which means more crab for the efforts.
The Santa Cruz wharf is shut down for the immediate future. The newly rebuilt Capitola Wharf, which was severely damaged by winter storms in 2023, is now fully repaired and reopened after a temporary closure during this last giant wave train event. Capitola Boat and Bait is back in business with bait, tackle, boat and equipment rentals available. Anglers fishing from the Capitola Wharf are catching a variety of perch including barred surf perch near the beach, and pile perch further out on the wharf. Using shrimp bits as bait seems to be the ticket.
After the gigantic waves of last week, the ocean is calling down considerably, and the water is clearing. The big waves and heavy currents had quite an effect on beach structure, with many beaches scoured down to bedrock reefs while other beaches exhibiting radical sand bars, troughs and holes. Surfcasting for perch is going to get really good really quick.
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